INISIDE OUT: portraits of emotional resilience

Andy was commissioned to work with a group of people from across the Black and South Asian communities at the University of Nottingham (UoN). He explored their experiences of mental health and emotional wellbeing. The paintings reflect the feelings and stories they described in conversations with Andy. 

The project was a collaboration between UoN, NCVS and The ICCA (The Indian Community Centre Association). It is part of an NHS and NCVS drive to raise awareness of mental health in the Nottingham BAME community, and better promote access to NHS Talking Therapies.


Portraits of Coventry

Coventry Cathedral, August 2022

Portraits of Isolation

Portraits of Isolation - Virtual Opening Night and Discussion streamed live October 2020

The Twisted Rose and Other Lives

Interview with Lisa Woods on behalf of BreakForth at CASS Art 24th April 2019


Breaking Free

Breaking Free created for an exhibition at Galerie ART POOL in Vienna. I wanted to reflect on the passing of time since I painted my first Carousel horse in 2017 as part of my exploration of bipolar disorder.

Cathedral Exhibition featured on BBC News


I’d love to know what you think about the virtual gallery for my Twisted Rose series

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